Saturday, December 13, 2014

Winter scenes

Over Thanksgiving the snow was beautiful. I decided to go out on Friday morning and practice, I also got a few fun shots of my sisters pond. Here are some of my favorites that I took on vacation

this was at sunrise -- the pink in the sky looked just like a beacon -- and it was cool also how the snow looked blue because it was still dark 

I loved how bright the red berries were and how heavy the snow was on them ... 

this was perfect -- the red berries, the curl of the snow and the pink sky behind them .... 

the sky after all the pink had faded 

a little shed at the neighbors -- it just looked so pretty in all the snow 

an ornament on my mom's porch. I loved how nice it looked in all the snow -- and its reflective enough you can see me taking the picture ... 

these are blueberry bushes -- I just loved the shape of the branches .... 

the blowing snow from the squall was really awesome -- I had to get a picture ... 

trees across the yard -- looked just like a christmas card to me 

Canadian geese against the blue sky -- so happy I got the shot 

My sister's pond -- loved the texture 

Jack frost doing his magic in the surface of the pond 

loved how these leaves were outlined by the frost ... 

And today I decided to wander around campus and get some more fun shots -- I love all the color contrast that you see in the winter

This is by one of the gates in the middle of campus. I loved the red berries against the brick and then the old fashioned looking lamp 

this is one of the campus flower displays -loved the purple, red and green with just a touch of snow 

on the way to the arboretum -- I love wooden fences and thought this was a fun view ... 

these plants  looked  so fuzzy I had to get a picture -- so fun and blowing in the breeze 

lily pads frozen under the ice .... 

some of the ice was broken up -- made for an interesting picture 

these just looked fuzzy and fun in the snow and I loved all the lines created by the branches .... 

the light pinky/ purple and the shape of the branches caught my eye 

Want to build a snowman ? But seriously -- I loved the snowman against all the reds and greens and shapes behind it 

this was a light sculpture hanging in the entrance -- loved it 

one of the decorated trees -- I loved all the simple ornaments 

I am really loving getting different kinds of shots and it really was not too cold. Being a little overcast today made it easy to get some fun shots. Thanks for sharing my photos with me.