Happy New Year!!!!
Its been quite a while since my last post so this one is going to have quite a few photos in it. The weather has been snowy and cold and really really pretty if you are a photographer or like the winter weather. I took all of these pictures on December 29th and 30th when we had some really pretty fluffy snow and also when the icicles were refreezing. The light and the swirling snow is so pretty and I love being able to capture it with my camera ...
These first few are of the icicles on the edge of my sister's house. I really like the textures from them melting and refreezing ..
I loved the way the light shined through the ice in this picture
The driveway during one of the snow squalls
my sisters back yard -- loved the little tree
and the pond
I loved the snow on the pine tree on the left
a stone fence on the side of the road -- loved the snowy coating
some ornaments in the rhododendron outside
The next several photos are snowy scenes from the back yard -- the snow was so pretty and I could not stop taking pictures of it falling. I tried to give a variety of the different views. Enjoy
This is one of the decorations it the yard as it was getting darker. I loved the contrast
This pine tree coated with snow against the blue sky was picture perfect
Red berries against in the snow always pretty
the neighbor's back yard -- looked like a christmas postcard
the morning light over the snow was really nice
another postcard worthy scene
a line of pine trees in the snow -- love the way the branches were coated
the little red shed on the side added the perfect accent
the neighbors fence -- so rustic in the snow
and finally my sister's house in the snow and blue sky -- the pine trees in the snow make it a perfect scene
Thank you as always for sharing my journey with me. I hope you have enjoyed the winter wonderland that I shared. Since winter is just starting, I'm sure I will be taking and sharing many more interesting and beautiful scenes.