Monday, April 24, 2017

Signs of Spring

Spring is finally here and I love seeing and photographing all the animals and the flowers and trees that are blooming everywhere. I love all the colors and smells that spring brings. 

Animals on the scene 

A salamander swimming in my sister's pond on Easter Sunday 

Baby ducks at the pond at the Hintz Alumni Center on campus 

Mama's keeping them warm 

Swim babies swim 

they are so fuzzy and cute 

The squirrels are always in the trees overhead 

A chipmunk came to get some seeds 

My cardinal Guardian and his wife Angel are always around 
Guardian likes to hang out in the trees overhead 

Flowers and trees 

One of the really pretty pink blooming trees on campus. I like to sit here and breathe deep 

The light on these new leaves was beautiful 

Some Narcissus on campus -- so pretty in the early light 

We really have some great landscaping on campus. I love the flowers all around the tree

 Rhododendrons are all over campus. I lobe how the branches on this one cascade 

and  a single bloom in the afternoon light 

Grape hyacinths

  Loved the light on these daffodils 

As I said great landscaping on campus -- these blooming trees surround the stairwells 

All the colors are just so pretty 

A pretty pink rose with some water droplets 

A lot of white narcissus on campus 

 The landscaping and mix of colors are always so nice 

Anoher nice blooming rose 

We have red buds all over campus and the flowers are so pretty 

love the combination of orange and purple 

Some pretty yellow tulips 

One of our glorious blooming trees 

and some close up of the blooms -- against the blue sky 

and the green grass 
and a close up of some individual flowers

 I love how some of the buds are on the tree trunk .. 

 We always have beautiful bleeding hearts ... 

 and finally some purple hyacinths t
I love the shape of the flowers 

Thanks as always for sharing my photography with me.  Stay tuned for more  of the lovely colors of spring :D