Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Its all about the ice and the light ....

Wednesdays seem to be good days for new blog posts  and here I am doing another one. These photos are from the weekend of  the 20th and 21st when we had the first really warm and sunny days. It was my first time out with the camera after being sick and then a really really cold weekend. I tool lots of photos that weekend. The light was beautiful and the ice on the pond was breaking up. I caputured most of these in the mid to late afternoon and as the sun was sinking -- I really love playing with light and reflections and had so much fun taking these. 

Ice on ice: this piece of ice was sitting on top of a larger patch that was melting/ breaking. (and no I did not stage this) I loved the shapes and the colors -- the blue and the white -- so pretty

I loved different textures so much I had to get a closer shot of it. I really love the striations on the right side 

I love how the light makes this chunk of ice sparkle and then I get the cool reflection to boot --  I think this is one of my favorites from the whole day 

This is definitly more about the contrast and reflection then the actual piece of ice. It definitely puts me in mind of an ice berg and not knowing what lies below the surface ... 

And the same piece of ice taken from another angle. I love how the piece of ice is glowing from the light and then you get to see all the texture of it in the reclection

I love how translucent this piece of ice became because of the way the light hit it. Also the scratches in it really give it depth and sthe shape of the block was fun too 

I liked the placement of these pieces of ice. The first is flat and smaller, the second is on its side and the third is larger and wider -- and then the color of the water and the reflections of the branches behind them just added to the scene 

More ice groupings. What sold this one for me is the bigger piece in the middle and the way it almost glows yellow 

And another view of the same pieces of ice -- still have the yellow glow and then I like the reflection of the branches in front of them. 

Love the contrast on this one -- the darks and lights together were a lot of fun and then I really like the angles created by the piece of ice 

I loved how these pieces were rising out of the water -- I got all the colors from the blue sky and then the interesting shape and shadows from he ice pieces itself. Lots of fun elements in this one 

This one really captured the breakng up of the ice for me -- I like how the sun was making the dead plants glow and then how the reflection/ colors flowed through the cracks in the ice 

This is another of my favorites from that afternoon. The moon was rising and I just happened to see the reflection of it in the water. I had to move around to catch it just right but I love how it turned out. I had to be at just the right angle and yes the little piece of ice is almost the same size as the reflection of the moon but I promise it really is the moon. Makes you wonder though .... 

This one was another fun scene that caught my eye. It is a place I would sit and relax -- I love the shadows on the dead plants and the fact that the color of the plants and the bench is similar.  The light was just beautiful and then is the added bonus of the differt pieces of ice and patchs of reflection. 

And another angle of the same scene. Focusing a little more on the ice and also showing some of the blue sky in he background. I love the shadowy blue of the ice in the front. 

And last but not least -- I moved around so that the water really looks like a mirror and I love the reflection of the trees and also the waves created by the breeze. 

It really is amazing how many different ways you that ice can look and how much the angle and the light can change the image. I really do enjoy looking in different ways and trying different things. One of the reasons I can spend hours with my camera and not get sick of it. Thanks as always for sharing my photos with me. Not sure what I will be sharing next -- but I know I will continue to be capture the world with my camera and share it with you :D 

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