Sunday, June 5, 2016

Where the light and my eyes lead me

Most of you who follow my blog and my photography know that I love to just walk around with my camera and take photos of whatever I am drawn to. A lot of those photos happen because there is really nice or interesting light or I find the subject matter interesting or both. The photos in this post are from my walks around campus on two days -- starting on  a Tuesday afternoon/ evening after work until  dusk, continuing on Wednesday morning and lunch time and then again in the evening.

 My journey starts walking out of the library and heading towards downtown ...

This photo is a tree on campus that I walk past all the time, but I never really noticed the shape of it until I decided to get up close to it. I loved the light in the leaves and the fact that it also silhouettes the trunk and branches -- and add to that the shape -- to me it looks like a lady standing there with her hands on her hips

This photo is one of the views from the middle of campus looking down town . I really love the way the branches and leaves meet over head and form an arch and the light was beautiful. It is all about perspective -- standing in the right spot to get the leaves to mesh like that but still its awesome

And I had to turn around and look the other way. This is the front of the library. Again I loved the light in the trees and I stood so that it was peeking through the leaves 

Next my journey took me towards Old Main (which is also in the center of campus but closer to downtown ) I loved the way the light was shining on the brass bell and though I walk by it all the time I hardly ever take a picture of it. I was inspired that day 

Old Main when the sun was high in the sky -- it was so bright that I did not know how this would turn out and I had to walk way down the hill to get this angle but I really love how it turned out -- like many of the photos I share this is straight out of the camera .  The light on the American Flag and the color of the sky was awesome and then I love how the bell tower is silhouetted. Any Penn Stater should recognize it :D 

One of the awesome elms on campus. I just loved how the light was falling through the leaves and making them glow. I also love the shadows of the ground 

And walking around through the middle of campus of course you see tons of squirrels -- and they are definitely spoiled. This one stood right up as I was walking by so I had to take its picture

The obelisk -- I passed it as I was walking back from Old Main to the pond by the Alumni Center (one of my favorite spots on campus). I make a lot of circles as I walk through campus and put lots of miles on my shoes. Its so beautiful I love to walk around.  I really liked how blue the sky was that day and how green the trees were. I moved around so that the shadow was pointing toward the trees

And this is one of the lilac bushes above a bench at the duck pond. I really liked the way the branch ran through the blossoms and the way the light was making the shadows -- and it smelled wonderful

So after I sat and enjoyed the lilacs for a while, I strolled around the pond. In the spring/ summer time when it is warmer there are always ducks around swimming or resting like these. I love finding the male ducks like this -- the water was so still and the sky was so blue that you can see the color reflected and the duck as well. Love getting photos like this 

And another reflection photo from across the pond. I love how the green is reflected in the water and you can see a little of the evening light on the right 

More life at the pond. I love the turtles and they love to bask in the light. This one was in one of the shallower spots on a rock and the light just highlighting its head was awesome

And one more view of the pond -- one of the many side paths . I love how the light hits the rocks and leaves the path in shadows

Some of the many beautiful plants around the pond. The light was so nice on this bunch that it makes them look so thin and delicate and so pretty. I couldn't pass up that shot. 

There is also a gazebo by the pond (sometimes I even sit there and just enjoy the beauty of the place) I liked how the gass in the front and the white flowering tree behind frames it and then the duck was walking in front 

This is the last photo from Tuesday. It was getting darker and there were lots of shadows. Then the birds were flying over head. I was lucky to catch it as it was close to the roof. 

And now to Wednesday morning. Leaving home and walking to work. During the summer this is usually lots of construction on campus so I left a little earlier than usual and took some different paths

Again this was all about the light, though this time it is morning light (around 7:30 am).  I love how the light makes the leaves glow and  how everything the grass and the tree are reflected in the glass. 

There is a lot more animal life around in the mornings -- the way these squirrels are matching reminded me of book ends -- so again I had to take the shot. 

For lunch I often go to the duck pond, I see the turtles swimming and basking in the sun, but had never seen one actually take a drink before -- so you know I had to get it. 

On Wednesday night after work, I had to walk out to the stadium. This is also one of my first pictures of the new statue. I really love how reflective it is. You can see the trees and the Catabus ... 

Very close to the stadium are some lovely rose bushes. I love how the light really made this one stand out. Saw it from across the street and new I had to get it. 

On my way back home from the stadium I decided to stop by the Arboretum -- this is the evening view looking out towards the mountains. I loved all the colors of the fields and the haze. 

The sun was starting to set and was coming through the tree. I loved the brightness and the dusky color of the sky. 

The sunset that night was really pinky and pretty. There are a couple of pools in the arboretum and I happened to be there at the time and angle to get the reflection. If the light would have lasted, I could have stayed there a long time. It was already approaching  9 by the time I took this picture ...

And one last shot . This one is taken from near Curtin Road looking back at the Arboretum. Loved the lighted fountain and the colors of the sky . One of the last ones I had taken that day . By that point I had walked over 20, 000 steps for the day. 

So as you can see I walk all over with my camera and always find something fun and different to take pictures of.  I love exploring my world and taking pictures of the awesome things I see. 

Thanks as always for sharing my photos with me ... the journey will continue .. 

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