Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Product Photography Liquid and Beauty Products

For the past 2 weeks I have been doing product photography shots in the studio. My first 2 products were an alcohol bottle and a beauty product. Its been challenging and fun. We were shown the produts ahead of time and so I brought lots of props and have had lots of ideas for the difffernt shoots. The nice thing is I have been able to incorporate some of the techniques of lighting and composition that I learned (and have been thinking about ) from portrait photography. Here are some of my favorite examples from both . 

Liquid Product Shots
The bottle that I got to shoot was Solerno Blood Orange Liqueur. My first thought was to get some oranges to put with the bottle. The bottle also has a several shades of red and a juicer in the bottom. I had a large piece of cranberry colored fabric that we used as a backdrop.  

Here is one of my examples using oranges and the cranberry colored backdrop. We flipped the fabric over for under the bottle itself . We placed tracing paper behind the bottle so that we could see the words. We had big lights on both sides to give some shape to the bottle and then a soft light low on the background to give it some character. I threw in  fake leaves to add extra interest. 

I pulled some of the light away from the background and loved the extra contrast. I also liked how you can see th orange reflected in the bottle. I zoomed in tight so you just get a hint of the oranges -- keeping the bottle as the main focus.

I tried a different angle with this one and love how it glows more from the bottom and you can really see the juicer . I like how th oranges make a triangle . I also like the how the strip of cranberry color is right behind the bottle . 

This was the second shoot with the bottle. I wanted a few shots with just the bottle. We decided to use the cranberry fabric as both a base and a backdrop for the bottle. In addition we put a light behind the background fabric which gave it a glow which looked like the colors fromt the bottle.

For this one I moved the light directly behind th bottle and just love how it makes everything glow...

Added a few simple props in this one. I would have liked to be able to cut an orange and use that but one of the students in class has a severe citrus allergy .... I also used a flameless candle underneath the juicer part to give it an addes glow...

I made this shot horizontal -- thinking that I could turn it into an actual ad. The text I was thinking of adding was Solerno Blood Orange Liqueur: Sip a glass of orange ( or something like that ) Again I loved the glow on the background ....

And for my last one, threw in a few more leaves, and put another orange on the left -- and loved how it is reflected in the bottle -- also backed up a little so there is more of a color gradient in the back....

The beauty product we got to shoot is a moisturizing cream that is hypoallergenic and a more affordable version of some expensive moisturizers. Since this cream is white, we didn't need to use anything to back the bottle, but we did use a piece of frosted glass to match the container and give some interesting reflections. We also used a simple white cloth in the background

One of the biggest challenges was getting the No 7 to show us. We brought in a bounce card really close to highlight it. I also like how the frosted glass gives a blue, misty tint 

This is my money shot. I had them turn off the background light so there is more contrast behind the bottle -- and wala -- loved it.

Just for Shiggles, I upped the vibrance a little which brought out the blue glass and addes a little more pink in the back --- not a bad change but I think I like the original better 

Since it is all natural we added a couple of leaves that looked like aloe and I had some pink silky fabric that I thought complimented the colors really well. Also flipped the glass and got the awesome reflection which is common in beauty product photography... 

And a wider shot -- I liked how I got the leaves to frame it and the pink just feels really soft and nice which was my goal ... 

Took off the leaves and added a silver bracelet that I had . I purposely angled this shot just to make it a little more interesting. One of the challenges was getting the bracelet to to stay on top of the bottle without getting finger prints or smudges on things. I also like the hint of blue on the edge that shooting at an angle gave me

The reflection in this one was really fun so I zoomed out and composed it vertically to show that . I even like the added texture that the pink cloth makes around it ..

We need to have 4 different shots for our final, so I mixed it up by taking the lid off and including the box. The only downside to this one is you can see the light meter that we used to prop up the bottle 

Shot this one from above because I really wanted to show the color and texture of the actual product. I really like how my fabric just seems to compliment everything ... 

This is the last shot I took -- I zoomed out a little so you can see the lid and also the leaves that we had underneath the glass. I also love the way the reflection of the box and the lid are faint in the glass. 

Over all I am very happy with the way my products are turning out -- I am enjoying it a lot more than I did in the spring. I have one more shoot with both of these products and have a few more ideas I want to try. I will share more photos if I get some I like that are different from these. Otherwise my next post will feature the next product -- a chrome watch ... thanks for sharing my photos with me...

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