Sunday, November 9, 2014

Photos from the last month

Over the last month I have taken photos of a bunch of different things, a wedding, some fall photos, landscape and various scenes out and about. I've been looking through some of my photos and wanted to share some of my favorites ...

Campus scenes

I was walking home one night and saw the way Old Main was lit up, had to try and get the shot -- it was taken from the library steps

this was taken at sunset -- loved the color of the sky and the contrast of the bright lamp ...

this was all about the colors and the way the building and mountain were framed between the trees

another shot at sunset.  I loved the dusky blue of the sky and the way the part of the building caught and reflected light

the light on these leaves was incredible -- believe it or not it came from the headlights of a car that was parked nearby

these leaves are on a tree on my walk home . I loved the contrast between the yellow and the green. I took this shot from below -- looking up at them. Loved the way it turned out

this was taken early one morning when it was still dark out. I loved the contrast of the tractor with the leaves behind it. So fun I just had to take a shot. 

another shot taken on an early morning walk to campus.  I loved how the lights and the building are reflected in the side windows and the pattern of the lights just pulled everything together...

these are in one of the flower boxes on campus. I loved the colors and the way they meshed together

the white flower in this one caught my eye from across campus -- and since I am a fall child it was a must have 

this was on a sunny afternoon and is part of the library. I not only loved the tree but the blue sky was amazing. I loved how dark the branch and the lines of the windows are also. 

this shot was taken during and early morning tailgate. Loved how misty it was 

the same tailgate day when the sun was going down. The light was amazing

the same tailgate, when the sun had set -- loved that you could see the new sign on the stadium

Fall Portraits  
 My friends Brandi and Hai wanted some fall portraits -- they picked matching outfits and we went to a few differet spots with awesome trees. here are a few of my favorites from our session which was in mid October

We were actually under the tree -- loved the way it blanketed the back. 

they wanted to peek out through the leaves. Loved the mixture of yellows and reds...

this is a wider shot but we wanted to get the stone wall, the boots and of course the trees

I loved  the shapes and colors  and the contrasting reds between the brick wall and the leaves. 

and my absolute favorite from this session -- I saw the wheat and asked then to sit and was so pleased with the result

 Wedding Photos

On October 18th, I was privileged to help with my first wedding--- I took lots of photos and learned a lot. Here are a few of my favorite from the whole day.

one of the detail shots. loved how the orange of the necklace brought everything together

one of the fun outdoor shots we took of the groom and his party

the kiss 

after the ceremony -- loved how the groom is reflected in the mirror

they blew bubbles to greet the bride and groom -- and then granny kissed her hand -- loved it

the flower girl and ring bearer -such cuties

we asked them what kind of poses they wanted and he dipped her in front of the window --loved it 

our outdoor sessions -- it was cool and windy and she was warm -- caught this shot of her just appreciating the atmosphere and the day (this is my absolute favorite of her) 

focusing on her -- loved the contrast of the black and white

the groom and the bridesmaids

they wanted to do a fun pose like this -- was not sure it would come out but we got it 

this was against one of the power transformers. I love the pose and the way the lines create interest

on the hill -- the expressions tell it all

at the reception hall. Taken from the balcony 

taken on one of the stair wells in the reception hall.  love the composition, the light and the pose. 

That's all of the photos I am sharing for today. I have learned so much in the last few months (which is when all these photos were taken)  and plan to keep on learning and practicing. I am working on product photography and will share some more of those and some spooky shots I took of the moon in my next post. Thank you for going on this journey with me.

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