Thursday, August 6, 2015

Hiking with the camera

One of my favorite ways to practice the things I have learned in studying photography is to have my camera out when I walk around outside. The photos from this post are from my lunch at the duck pond on Friday and my hike on the rail trail on Sunday. I love going to both of these places and really enjoy seeing and trying different angles or compositions while I am there. 

Duck Pond 

I went to lunch at the duck pond last Friday. It was a beautiful day and I was enjoying sitting outside. I wasn't really planning on taking pictures but the light was awesome and the ducks were close to my seat. I could not resist taking out the camera.

Duck Butt -- this duck was plunging and sticking its butt in the air and the light around it was nice 

The ducks were pretty active and I loved how the duck in the back was watching the two with their butts in the air. The nice thing is they were close enough to me that I could sit on the bench and take this picture 

and the final Butt in the air shot.  I love hoe the duck is looking toward my camera as if to say "can you believe this guy" 

The ducks were also resting along the shore. I love how the light dappled on them when they were sleeping. I did have to get up from the bench to get this photo but was able to get close enough without scaring them ...

I crept up even closer and took this one from the side-- love that the mom is looking away and the babies are looking toward me. 

Took this one as I was walking away from the pond. I was looking at the water and thinking it was very pretty with all the green reflections. I didn't even notice the ducks on the stone until after I took the shot. A nce surprise. 

This lovely flower was growing in the shade under a tall tree. I was drawn to it because of the way the sun hit it in patches. I love how the interplay of light and shadows adds depth and contrast to it

I did not pose this one. The turtle was stretching to get the sun and the duck just happened to be there. Luckily for me the duck was facing the turtle so I could get this shot.  

This group of ducks was just lazing in the sun. I had to get close to them and down low so that I could get under the branches but was pleased with the results

Two out of the group from before. It felt like the one on the left is sneaking  a peek at the one on the right -- almost like they were sharing secrets or kids who did not want to sleep ...

I loved how the turtles were looking up at this duck almost like it was totally awesome or had something important to tell them...

This one is also about the light and I also loved how the ends of the petals looked like hearts 

Rail Trail

On Sunday I took a walk on the rail trail. I went planning to take some pictures and was not disappointed by what I found. 

I took this photo because the flower looked like a cupcake with the white flowers making the frosting and the leaves being the folded down wrapper. 

I love the dappled background -- and the spiky points on this 

I love how the whisps formed a circle -- and the highlights make it even better

One of my favorite parts of the trail. I love the fence and the curves and the shade. It is so peaceful there and makes me feel like I am walking into the shadows and away from the world..

I loved how white and perfectly shaped this was. It was all by itself in the greenery so I had to capture it. 

This is  simple clover blossom, but by using a close angle I was able to make it look like it has antenae. It also works well that it was against some dark leaves ...

This chipmunk froze when it sensed me. I was quick and silent enough to creep up a few steps and get this awesome picture before it scampered away 

This mushroom looked a bit like a heart and I loved how white it was against the leaves...

This bird was using the puddle as a bird bath. I love the reflections and the fact that I just happened to come upon the scene. I only got this one shot before it flew away but loved it...

Loved the shape and the spiraled lines of this one

and without the spirals

I took this one around 5 pm when the sun was bright -- I loved how clear the shadows were...

This one is all about the highlights on the edge of the flowers .. had to get a close up 

The clouds were so amazing I had to get a shot with them and was happy that you can see in the picture how puffy and thick they are

Can you tell I like whispy flowers -- these looked like two cotton balls -- and I loved how the light defines the edges 

Another group of clover . I was drawn to the grouping with the purple in the center. I love how I was able to capture the spikiness of it...

More whisps -- these were so delicate I had to take a picture. I love the seeds  looks like a spider web around the  main flower ...

This was a bout the layers. I took this from the top so that my lens was right above them. If I had been a step to the left or right the different heights would not be so clear ...

This tree was just so bright and green. It really stood out. I also loved how blue the sky was and the fact that there are some daisies around the bottom that add some perspective to it

Again loving the interplay of the light and the dark and I love the way the yellow almost curves like hand with bent fingers

The light was falling so perfectly on this snapdragon that it glowed. It was difficult to capture it the way it really was but I think it stands out pretty well and I like how the different shades of it are very visible. 

More of the light and shadow and I really love the contrast between how soft and delicate the flower petals appear against the rougher leaf...

Another one where the light really enhances the petals. I love it because it is orange and probably would have taken the picture anyway, but the light through the petals gives it that special glow,, 

This is about the different shapes. I love that you have the curls in the flower that is open and then have the bud where just a few of the petals are starting to open. 

Thanks for sharing all those photos with me. I have one more hike that I took with my camera this week and will share those soon. I have some really cool light and reflection ones in that series as well. 

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