Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The beauty of timing and patience

One of my favorite aspects of photography is seeing and finding things that other people miss. A lot of that can rely on being in the right place at the right time and also from researching your surroundings and waiting for that perfect moment. In some cases you get the picture in one take, in others you take several to get the favorite shot or happy accident. Since my last blog post, a lot of my photography has included all of those elements. I am sharing some of my favorites from the last week

This one is all about the light. I really love how it is falling on the leaves

This was about being in the right spot. I had to shoot from above and very close to these flowers to get this look ....

This one is about waiting for the light to be just right. I was watching the shadows and moved so I could see the reflection in the middle and the slight glow to the background..

This combines both light and position. I waited to get the perfect light on the leaf and wanted to highlight the buds... 

This is one of my favorite trees close to my apartment. I love the shape of it already and when I saw the way the light was streaming across it made me really like this image..

and a step or two back to catch the whole scene. I love how it is lighted and framed by the green

For any of you that follow my blog you know I love being at the duck pond. The ducks are always moving about and its hard to catch them being still and perfectly lit like this one. I also love the color of the water behind it..

This one is also about right place right time. As many times as I have gone to the duck pond, I have never seen the ducks on the rocks in the middle. I also like this one because of the way the ducks on the left look like they are having a conversation, while the one on the right is hiding ...

I found this scene so beautiful and it was capped by the duck swimming across the middle. 

and another photo just to show how beautiful it was. I moved so I could see the recflection perfectly in the water... 

There is lots of wildlife around the pond. I like to sit on one of the benches down below. It was so quiet that this chipmunk decided to run out on the rocks not to far from me. I was lucky enough to have my camera close enough that I could get this shot. Soon after it noticed me and ran away....

there are many times when I am sitting there, that the ducks take a nose dive and stick their butts up in the air. Its hard to get these shots because they are moving so much. I particulry love this one because of the speckles and little leaves in the water around it

In addition to ducks and chipmunks there are also bunnies around the pond. I saw this bunny and quietly snuck up on it. I watched and waited for it to get comfortable with me being there and then got this shot and the few that follow. 

At this point it was noticing my presence, but I remained calm and still long enough to get this shot without scaring it 

and this one. The bunny was actually eating the leaves off the branch around it. This is right before it stretched up for a leaf... 

and after it had gotten the leaf and was happily eating it

there are turtles in the pond too. I saw this one peeking its head out of the water and waited long enough for it to start swimming -- so I could see its arms - and got this shot

I've never seen the chipmunks stop and take a drink before and am soo thrilled I got this shot. Again the result of a lot of waiting and watching. and being a little bit farther away and using the zoom...

it was clearly watching me trying to decide if I was a threat or not, but totatlly worth it for this series of photos. I was across the water for these 

it was still watching me ... 

and right before it ran away

This is taken as it was starting to get a little darker. I just love the color/ richness of the reflection and had to be at the right angle to be able to see it. 

This was taken at sunset and the light/ color in the water was so pretty ...

More waiting for the light and angle. I love how it is rippled because the water was moving

and trying different angles.. 

I stepped back and waited for the water to be still to capture these colors and reflections...

And this again -- I had to wait until it was just dark enough for the duck to be in silouette and still be able to see the colors in the water. I also love that the duck was moving fast enough to see the trail in the water...

what I really like about this one is the water drop right on the duck's bill

one more attempt at a silouette -- what I like about this one is the dusky color of the background and the shadow and that there was enough light on the duck itself to see the feathers...

That's all for now. I have been practicing a lot and am really enjoying what waiting and watching is allowing me to do with my photography. I love having the time to be able to spend hours in a place to get the photos I want. Makes me happy and is definitely paying off. Thanks as always for sharing my photos with me. 

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